August Issue

New Products and Accessories

swat august issueThe latest product from Dexter Meadows Enterprises is clip-on kneepads. Conventional kneepads use elastic straps that go around the back of the leg to hold them on. These straps can twist and bind, change, cut off circulation and often slide down. The clip-on kneepads differ from others in that they utilize a locking, heavy-duty clip to attach directly to the operator’s pants. They are adjustable with nylon straps. Designed initially for construction workers, the kneepads should be used by almost everyone, including soldiers, police tactical officers and those involved in intense tactical training. For more information contact Dexter Meadows Enterprises, Dept. S.W.A.T., P.O. Box 81942, Bakersfield, Ca. 93380-1942, (661) 392-8769,